
  • Art,  Literature

    Find Me

    Since I started reading again this year, I’ve had the great fortune of stumbling upon a number of wonderful books. The quirky and delectable Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, or the wonderful literary gem The Sea by John Banville, even the blood curdling Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. Nowadays I don’t read as much as I used to or as much as I’d like to. Had I known back during my university studies that those five years were the best ones of my life, academically speaking, and also time wise, I would have read all the compulsory classics, for one, and I would have definitely perused more…

  • Art,  Writing


    The desire to simplify things must be present in everyone. It comes intime, when we realize our lives are finite. Time and again, the imageof Michaelangelo’s Rondanini Pieta haunts me. I remember how I admired(I still do) his first Pieta, scuplted in 1499. It must be one of themost famous sculptures in the whole world, and probably one of themost beautiful ones, too. The difference between the two works,sculpted within decades of each other, is striking, as if they hadbeen burn under the chisel of two different artists. And however muchI admire and love his Pieta, I know that he was closer to the truth(or finding himself, or God, or…